Sunday, January 29, 2012

Jacks surgery in 2 days.

Hi everyone so the big day his here, Jack has his first surgery on Tuesday the 31st of January 2012, It's his Lip Adhesion surgery, which basically is rotating his lips down and joining them in the middle, the surgery only takes 1 1/2 hours, he can't eat for 6 hours before and clear liquid for 2 hours before. his palette surgery is still to be done at one year. Ben already made sure the surgeon (the fantastic Dr Amato) does not have a collage reunion the night before as surgery is at 7.30am. I  wanted to post some pictures of his as he looks now, I'll miss his little smile but don't doubt his next one will be just as sweet.

1 comment:

  1. Jack is SUCH a little cutie. Hope surgery went wonderfully and that he's happily healing. :)
