Friday, November 25, 2011

Jack update

So Jack is doing great, He is now 5 weeks old and around 10lbs. We saw his plastic surgeon this past week and his lips have not moved further apart which is good news we do not need to use any mouth plates which is great news all we need is a little tape, it's called a Dyna Cleft basically it's just a super band aid, is has a little stretchy band in the middle which will stretch his lips on either side so as he grows it helps the two separated lips grow the right direction to help close the gap, also when he cries it stops the gap stretching to much in the wrong direction. I got a couple of pictures of him with out his tape on as he'll probably have it on now for the news few months. We go again on Monday where our surgeon, Dr Amato, will show us how to change the tape we will also hopefully get a date of the lip surgery which will be late January or early Feb.

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